
Takara Group Sustainability Policy

Basic Policy

Based on our corporate philosophy, which is “Contributing to the creation of a vital society and a healthy lifestyle through our fermentation technology and biotechnology in a way that achieves harmony with nature,” the Takara Group has benefited society by unlocking new potential in the culinary, lifestyle, and life science fields through our fermentation technologies for traditional Japanese sake and our cutting-edge innovation in biotechnologies and by continuing to create new value.
The preservation of a rich natural environment is a major premise for the business continuity of the Takara Group, which engages in business activities on the basis of the bounty of diverse natural resources such as grains, water, and microorganisms. In addition, in handling business related to food and medicine, the Takara Group’s most important theme is to deliver safe and reliable goods, products, and services. At the same time, we must also address various social issues, including those related to alcohol.
In recent years, the social environment surrounding the Group has undergone rapid change, and with the need for a global response to such diverse issues as climate change, biodiversity conservation, resource conservation, and respect for human rights, corporate entities face an increasing responsibility to create a sustainable society.
The Group's Vision is "Smiles in Life ~Smiles are Life's Treasure~" as our vision, declaring that we will continue to take on the challenge of filling the lifestyles of people around the world, living, and the life of others with smiles. In order to continue to achieve the creation of social value through business activities into the future, it is necessary to take greater initiatives to resolve various social issues than ever before, and we formulated the Takara Group Sustainability Policy.
The Takara Group Sustainability Policy identifies 10 material issues, including "safety and security," with regard to social issues surrounding the Takara Group, and sets policies for addressing each of them. The Takara Group Sustainability Vision, which sets specific medium- to long-term goals based on these policies, has been formulated.
The Takara Group will contribute to the realization of a sustainable society by continuing to create social value through our business activities, aiming to be a corporate group that is trusted by all of stakeholders.