Corporate Guide
Message from the President
Accelerate Investment in Growth/Strengthening Fields
Aiming to achieve “Smiles in Life” by establishing and reinforcing two business models that seek the essence of “Takara”The Takara Group holds as its corporate philosophy the idea of “Contributing to the creation of a vital society and a healthy lifestyle through our fermentation technology and biotechnology in a way that achieves harmony with nature.” To achieve our vision of “Smiles in Life,” we continue to tackle the challenges of filling people, lives, and lifestyles around the world with smiles by safely and reliably providing the diverse values in Japanese alcoholic beverages and foods, as well as life sciences, through our deliciousness-pursuing technology and innovative biotechnology.
In 2020, the Takara Group announced the TaKaRa Group Challenge for the 100th (TGC100 ), a six-year long-term management vision to be achieved by 2025, the year we celebrate our centennial. This six-year plan is divided into two three-year action plans. The first step, the Takara Group Medium-Term Management Plan 2022, was a three-year period to firm our foundation as we work to achieve sustainable growth both inside and outside Japan, and improve our corporate value. In 2023, we formulated the Takara Group Medium-Term Management Plan 2025 to finally complete TGC100. The plan calls for a management policy of three years to accelerate our investments in growth and strengthening fields, and improve corporate value.
By investing in growth and strengthening fields in the Japanese alcoholic beverage and food market, where Takara Shuzo and the Takara Shuzo International Group do business, and in the life sciences industry where the Takara Bio Group does business, the Takara Group will improve productivity and create innovation, establishing and reinforcing the unique two business models of the global and sustainable Takara Group.
To achieve our medium-term goals for social and environmental issues in the Takara Group Sustainability Vision, we are working to improve our driving force as a Group. Specifically, we are steadily working on enhancing the contents of our initiatives for solving social issues through business, and responding appropriately to disclosure standards such as the TCFD framework.
By continuing to create social value through our business activities, our Group aims to be a corporate group that wins your trust and contributes to the realization of a sustainable society. In this regard, we would like to ask all our stakeholders for their continued warm and generous support for the Takara Group.