TaKaRa Group Sustainability
The Takara Group contributes to achieving a sustainable society while aiming to become a trusted corporate group by the creation of social value through our business activities.
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The corporate philosophy of the Takara Group is "Contributing to the creation of a vital society and a healthy lifestyle through our fermentation technology and biotechnology in a way that achieves harmony with nature."Further, we have also set "Smiles in Life ~Smiles are Life's Treasure~" as our vision, declaring that we will continue to take on the challenge of filling the lifestyles of people around the world, living, and the life of others with smiles.
We will realize our intentions by delivering a well-balanced diet through the Japanese alcoholic beverage and Japanese cuisine and by contributing to people’s healthy lifestyles through the life science industry.
Takara Group Sustainability Policy
Based on the Takara Group Sustainability Policy, the Takara Group will contribute to the realization of a sustainable society by creating social value through its business activities.