~Smiles are Life’s Treasures~ Smiles in Life

Domestic Business

Alcoholic beverages, seasonings, and raw alcohol

Business Activities

Striving to craft unique washu
by combining over 180 years of technical expertise with innovative thinking

Takara Shuzo manufactures and sells a wide range of products,
from Japanese alcoholic beverages (washu) such as shochu, sake, and light-alcohol refreshers,
to imports such as Chinese alcoholic beverages and whisky,
to seasonings such as Hon-mirin, and even raw alcohol.

  • Alcoholic beverages

    We develop and grow original products using proprietary technology cultivated over our long history.

  • Seasonings

    We offer a variety of flavor-boosting alcohol-based seasonings and food seasonings, including Hon-mirin and sake.

  • Raw alcohol

    We supply continuously distilled raw alcohol to manufacturers of alcoholic beverages, food, and cosmetics.

Takara Shuzo

Takara Shuzo’s exceptional commitment to its craft creates new markets and a succession of long-loved brands

Since its establishment in Fushimi, Kyoto in 1842, Takara Shuzo has brought the world brands that strive to unleash the potential of washu.
Our unique flavor profiles have brought us many devoted customers. Newly created markets and countless long-loved products are invaluable assets of Takara Shuzo.

For example, Takara Shochu Jun, launched in 1977, and Takara Can Chu-Hi, which became popular as soon as it was launched in 1984, have become long-selling products that still have many devoted fans. Since then, Takara Shuzo has continued to offer a wide range of products under its signature brands, including Ikkomon, a shochu that offers the delicious taste of 100% sweet potato, Takara Shochu Highball, popular for its dry taste, and Sho Chiku Bai Shirakabegura Mio, which pioneered the new beverage category of sparkling sake.

Proven technical expertise in a wide range of fields, refined by striving to craft exceptional washu

Takara Shuzo’s washu brewing is supported by the distilling and brewing techniques we have developed over our long history. Past masters at Takara Shuzo have developed unique washu by experimenting with different combinations of raw materials, yeast and koji types, and fermentation and distillation methods, or by developing ingredients themselves from scratch. This legacy of fearlessly taking on challenges by thinking outside the box has been passed down to our current technicians in the form of proprietary expertise.

Another advantage we hold at Takara Shuzo is our techniques for scaling up and ensuring a stable supply of washu with quality developed through many trials by our technicians. Our breweries and distilleries conduct in-depth analysis of ingredients and production processes and leverage technicians’ knowledge and experience to reproduce products with consistent quality. We share washu production techniques and results developed from our experience with shochu and sake across beverage categories, and apply this broad knowledge to develop new washu products.

We at Takara Shuzo will continue to leverage our reliable technology to create delicious new flavors of washu and value, to help our customers live rich and smile-filled lives.

Sho Chiku Bai Shirakabegura Mio
Kurokabegura Distillery Barrels of aged spirits

Domestic Business History


Registered the “寶(Takara)” mark as a trademark for mirin


Launched Takara Shochu Jun to reinvigorate shochu


Launched Takara Can Chu-Hi as Japan’s first canned Chu-Hi product


Launched Zenryo Imo Shochu Ikkomon, brewed entirely with imo (sweet potato) and imo koji


Completed Sho Chiku Bai Shirakabegura in Nada as a production base of high-quality sake


Launched Takara Shochu Highball, a dry flavored chu-hi


Launched Gokujo Takara Shochu


Launched Sho Chiku Bai Shirakabegura Mio


Launched Takara CRAFT, a chu-hi for limited local sales


Launched Takara Karakuchi Zero Ball, a dry flavored non-alcohol chu-hi

Contact information for Takara Shuzo

Domestic Business

Alcoholic beverages, seasonings,
and raw alcohol

Overseas Business

Overseas alcoholic beverages
and Japanese food wholesale

Biomedical Business

Reagents and instruments, CDMO,
and gene therapy