Approach and Policy
In order to continuously provide customers with safe and reliable products and services, it is essential for us to continue sustainable transactions with suppliers who are our business partners. The Takara Group aims to realize sustainable procurement by ensuring the safety and quality of raw materials and more, and by also considering the social responsibility of the entire supply chain, including consideration for the environment and human rights as well as compliance with laws and social ethics based on the Takara Group Procurement Policy.
The Takara Group Procurement Policy
- 1.Ensuring safety and quality
In accordance with the Takara Group Quality Policy, we will promote activities aimed at ensuring a high level of safety and quality. - 2.Consideration for the environment
Based on the Takara Group Environmental Policy, we will engage in activities with consideration for the global environment. - 3.Consideration for human rights
In accordance with the Takara Group Human Rights Policy, we will engage in activities with consideration for human rights. - 4.Compliance with laws and social ethics
In accordance with the Takara Group Compliance Action Guidelines, we will comply with laws and social ethics.
We will not request entertainment or gifts from suppliers, nor will we be the recipient of entertainment that exceeds the boundaries of common sense. - 5.Equitable and fair transactions
We will treat all suppliers with common sense and honesty and conduct equitable and fair transactions.
When selecting suppliers, we will make our decisions after equitable and fair comparisons and evaluations, based on quality, price, delivery date, technical capabilities, supply capacity and other conditions. - 6.Maintaining information security
We will appropriately manage confidential information and personal information obtained during procurement activities. - 7.Expectations of suppliers
With regard to the above, we expect the same considerations from our suppliers, and will endeavor to promote initiatives throughout the entire supply chain.
Initiative themes | Specific measures | Targets |
Collaboration with suppliers | Formulate guidelines for sustainable procurement, and request compliance by suppliers |
[ Takara Shuzo ] 1) Explain the Sustainable Procurement Guidelines to all suppliers by FY2021. 2) Ensure that 70% or more key suppliers comply with the Sustainable Procurement Guidelines by FY2025 and 80% or more by FY2030. |
Related SDGs
Collaboration with suppliers
Formulate guidelines for sustainable procurement, and request compliance by suppliers
At Takara Shuzo, we request our suppliers to comply with the 'Sustainability Procurement Guidelines' that consider environmental and social issues such as 'ensuring safety and security' and 'consideration for the global environment.' We presented the guidelines to 241 suppliers and received consent forms from all companies by July 2024.We are verifying the efforts to reduce negative environmental impacts by our 20 major suppliers through their websites and other sources.
- Requirements in the Sustainability Procurement Guidelines
- 1
Ensuring safety and reliability
- 2
Consideration for the global environment
- 3
Human rights, labor, and health and safety
- 4
Compliance with laws and social norms
- 5
Information security
- 6
Social contribution
- 1
Training for employees in charge of procurement
Takara Shuzo provides training for employees in charge of procurement to ensure procurement is carried out in compliance with the Takara Group Procurement Policy and the Sustainability Procurement Guidelines. The training programs cover a wide variety of topics aimed at improving the procurement and purchasing skills of relevant employees, including the details of the policy and the guidelines. 100% of the procurement department staff are participating in this training.
Risk assessment of new and existing suppliers
Takara Shuzo requests new and existing suppliers to comply with the Sustainability Procurement Guidelines, and conducts supplier risk assessments in line with the guideline requirements.We improve procurement safety by refraining from initiating transactions if the procurement guidelines are not met. As of July 2024, we have received consent forms from all 241 suppliers.
The Sustainability Procurement Guidelines include “Consideration for the global environment,” which is an environmental requirement, as well as social requirement such as “Ensuring safety and reliability,” “Human rights, labor, and health and safety,” “Compliance with laws and social norms,” “Information security,” and “Social contribution.”
Audits at suppliers’ factories
At Takara Shuzo, we regularly conduct factory audits of new and existing suppliers as needed to verify compliance with the Sustainability Procurement Guidelines. If compliance is found to be insufficient, we request improvements or propose corrective measures.
Supplier auditing
Signing up for Sedex
Some of our domestic manufacturing sites are members of Sedex (Supplier Ethical Data Exchange), which provides an online platform for managing and improving labor conditions in the supply chain.
Participation in the Declaration of Partnership Building
TAKARA HOLDINGS INC. supports the Declaration of Partnership Building initiative launched by the Cabinet Office, the Small and Medium Enterprise Agency (SMEA), and other organizations. We have announced our Declaration of Partnership Building aimed at establishing mutually beneficial relationships and new partnerships across supply chains to mutually increase value added.
*The Declaration of Partnership Building is issued in the name of the representative of the company that places orders. It represents our commitment to building new partnerships by facilitating cooperative and mutually beneficial relationships with our partners and business operators in supply chains, in line with our corporate social responsibility.